After you have placed an online order, please proceed to the online payments page to initiate payment.
You may order the following documents from Midtown Management by using the form below:
Resale Certificate including Governing Documents
Governing Documents (CCR, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation)
Lender Questionnaire (please submit your lender questionnaire to:
HOA Quote including Statement of Account
Please complete the form below and include in your message the following information:
Type of document(s) you are requesting
Name of Association
Property address including Unit Number
Payment preference (check/ credit card)
Preferred method of delivery for the requested documents (default: via email)
Once you have submitted your payment (on the online payments page), you will receive an electronic receipt. If you choose to remit your payment by credit/debit card, you will receive the requested documents in electronic format via email within one business day.
You may also call or email us with any questions or special requests you may have at any time: (713)489-4901/
We look forward to assisting you.