Thank you for visiting our website and for considering the services of Midtown Management Corporation and our experienced staff for your community.
Midtown Management Corporation is committed to providing you with outstanding services for managing your homeowner association’s daily operations. We will provide an exceptional level of personalized customer service to your homeowners and residents.
Midtown Management will provide the highest level of service while reducing unnecessary expenses. We will contribute to maintaining property values while keeping assessments and administrative costs at a minimum. Midtown Management is committed to maintaining a small company attitude while providing all of the amenities one expects from a comprehensive property management company. We believe this is preferable to that of a big corporation with greater overhead, larger profit margins, actual or perceived conflicts of interest, and too often inattentive and delayed customer service.
There may be many reasons for you to reach out to a new management company. In our proposal we will discuss the importance of a seamless transition from your current management company to Midtown Management. We strongly believe we will meet or exceed your expectations for property management services. We provide courteous, prompt attention to homeowners’ needs and requests. We maintain long standing business relationships with multiple experienced contractors for better leverage in contract negotiations for all common expenses. Midtown Management has been successful in protecting the aesthetics as well as the economic viability of the communities we serve, and in growing your personal investment in the properties you own.
When we manage properties, joint major initiatives with our associations’ boards typically include: 1) to significantly reduce expenses by applying strict cost control and modern management principles; 2) to prepare monthly financial statements and annual budgets 3) to build-up appropriate capital reserve funds as needed; and 4) to streamline the collection process and significantly decrease the delinquency rate of property owners assessments if and when necessary.
My personal record in managing homeowner associations includes over 15 years of committed customer service. Thank you for this opportunity to offer you a sustainable partnership which will allow us to succeed together!
Sonya Bradley, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
CEO and Founder
Midtown Management Corporation